
Module with helper class for Bitcoin Cash configuration handling.

class BipBitcoinCashConf(coin_names: CoinNames, coin_idx: int, is_testnet: bool, def_path: str, key_net_ver: Bip32KeyNetVersions, wif_net_ver: bytes, bip32_cls: Type[Bip32Base], addr_cls: Type[IAddrEncoder], addr_cls_legacy: Type[IAddrEncoder], addr_params: Dict[str, Any])

Bases: BipCoinConf

Bitcoin Cash configuration class. It allows to return different addresses depending on the configuration.

m_addr_cls_legacy: Type[IAddrEncoder]
m_use_legacy_addr: bool
UseLegacyAddress(value: bool) None

Select if use the legacy address.


value (bool) – True for using legacy address, false for using the standard one

AddrClass() Type[IAddrEncoder]

Get the address type. It overrides the method in BipCoinConf.


Address class

Return type:

IAddrEncoder class

AddrParams() Dict[str, Any]

Get the address parameters. It overrides the method in BipCoinConf.


Address parameters

Return type:
