
Module with helper class for Litecoin configuration handling.

class BipLitecoinConf(coin_names: CoinNames, coin_idx: int, is_testnet: bool, def_path: str, key_net_ver: Bip32KeyNetVersions, alt_key_net_ver: Bip32KeyNetVersions, wif_net_ver: bytes, bip32_cls: Type[Bip32Base], addr_cls: Type[IAddrEncoder], addr_params: Dict[str, Any])

Bases: BipCoinConf

Litecoin configuration class. It allows to return different addresses and key net versions depending on the configuration.

m_alt_key_net_ver: Bip32KeyNetVersions
m_use_alt_key_net_ver: bool
m_use_depr_addr: bool
UseAlternateKeyNetVersions(value: bool) None

Select if use the alternate key net version.


value (bool) – True for using alternate key net version, false for using the standard one

UseDeprecatedAddress(value: bool) None

Select if use the deprecated address.


value (bool) – True for using deprecated address, false for using the standard one

KeyNetVersions() Bip32KeyNetVersions

Get key net versions. It overrides the method in BipCoinConf. Litecoin overrides the method because it can have 2 different key net versions.


Bip32KeyNetVersions object

Return type:

Bip32KeyNetVersions object

AddrParams() Dict[str, Any]

Get the address parameters. It overrides the method in BipCoinConf.


Address parameters

Return type:
